Ecological Landscape Alliance (ELA)

When Ecological Landscape Alliance asked if we might host a gathering to discuss best practices with members and industry colleagues, we didn’t hesitate to welcome them into our Doylestown workshop and office! The ELA  has been promoting sustainable approaches to landscape design, construction, and management since 1992. Their mission to educate, inspire, and empower people to value biodiverse landscapes and employ ecological practices aligns perfectly with Indigenous Ingenuities’ values and work. 

Matt Benzie, Indigenous Ingenuities’ founder, kicked off the afternoon with a tour of the company’s workshop and wide array of tools, featuring the electric equipment Indigenous prefers to use. The pros and cons of today’s equipment options, marketing ecological services, design methods and clients’ perspectives were among the topics discussed while guests enjoyed local brews, wine and snacks. The lively conversation left us energized and feeling like there’s a growing number of capable companies, who are willing to work together to make real change in the world, and a positive impact on our quickly changing environment!

Looking forward to the next ELA meet up and our next community event!


Ecological Beauty